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In June of 2018 an exhibition of Mehelle's work ran at the ARTIM Artspace in Baku, Azerbaijan. We jumped at the opportunity to bring our previously digital-only work into a physical space, showcasing both old and new work inspired by the gallery space. You can read more about the exhibition here, and explore the gallery below.

The Park


An extreme recreation of one of Baku's new parks.

On the map:

State Theater | Nerimanov Statue

The TV Room


A collection of short videos shot in Sovetski overlapping and mixing, recreating the feeling of walking through the nieghborhood.

On the map:

Pickling | Games | Dolma

The Gallery


A collection of recovered and donated family

photos from Sovetski.

On the map:

The Soldier Album | The Nabat Album | The Caustic Album

The Testimonial Room

Testimonial room

Quotes from interviews with Sovetski residents cover the walls.

On the map:

Vidadi DalanNabat Aşurbəyova 35

The Wall


A wall made from the same material as those

cutting through Sovetski.

On the map:

Dividing Wall | Nerimanov Taxi | Ads on Wall

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