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Taksi gəzintisi 4, 7ci hissə: Azərbaycan Prospekti, Bəşir Səfəroğludan, Mirzağa Əliyevə və Murtuza Muxtarova tərəf
Taxi Trip 4, part 7: Azerbaijan Prospect, from Beshir Seferoglu, to Mirzagha Aliyev, to Murtuza Muxtarov
Mart 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
March 2016
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 7 of a taxi ride through Sovetski at midday in early spring. This portion turns north, driving along the road marking the eastern edge of Sovetski. On the left side of the road apartment blocks hide Sovetski and allow in minimal traffic through small arched passages. Turning west, it follows the same route seen in part one of this taxi ride, and reenters Sovetski.
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