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Taksi gəzintisi 3, 14cu hissə: Nəriman Nərimanov, İnşaatçılar ilə Süleyman Rəhimov arasında
Taxi Trip 3, part 14: Neriman Nerimanov, between Inshaatchilar and Suleyman Rehimov
Sentyabr 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
September 2016
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 14 of a taxi ride through Yasamal in the evening. This final portion turns south and drives along the western edge of Sovetski. High rises and apartment complexes on either side of the road give way to older homes, mechanics, and small cafes. The western edge of Sovetski has been blocked off from view by a wooden wall, beyond which demolished buildings and dusty plains can be seen.
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