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Taksi səfəri 1, 1ci hissə: Şıxəli Qurbanovla Qış Parkının ətrafında Nizami metrosuna doğru
Taxi Trip 1, part 1: Shixeli Qurbanov around Winter Park, towards Nizami metro
İyun 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
June 2016
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 1 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion of the trip goes along the eastern edge of Sovetski, along the roads separating it from other neighborhoods such as Targova and Kubinka. As the taxi circles around the Winter Park in front of the Azerbaijan State Academic Drama Theater one can see the old road layout from before the Winter Park and Central Park were linked.
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