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Taksi gəzintisi 3, 13cu hissə: İnşaatçılar, Azərbaycan Pedoqoji Kolleci ilə Nəriman Nərimanov arasında
Sentyabr 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
Taxi Trip 3, part 13: Inshaatchilar, between the Azerbaijan State Pedagogic College and Neriman Nerimanov
September 2016
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 13 of a taxi ride through Yasamal in the evening. This portion continues along a major road running along the edge of Yasamal. The streets are lined with large apartment complexes and parks. After reaching a major intersection, the ride turns back south, towards Sovetski. People walk down large sidewalks as the sun sets.
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