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Taksi səfəri 1, 9cu hissə: Murtuza Muxtarov, Şamil Əzizbəyovla Mirzağa Əliyev arasında
İyun 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
Taxi Trip 1, part 9: Murtuza Muxtarov, between Shamil Ezizbeyov and Mirzagha Aliyev
June 2016
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 9 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion returns to the road seen in Part 5 of the same trip, starting at 20 seconds people can be seen cleaning a carpet to the left. The trip then continues south out into the demolished middle portion of Sovetski, passing the Azerbaijan State Academic Drama Theater of the left. Few houses remain in view in this demolished portion, which is now a large dusty plain.
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