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Taksi səfəri 1, 8ci hissə: Şamil Əzizbəyov, Zülfü Adıgözəlovla Murtuza Muxtarov arasında
İyun 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
Taxi Trip 1, part 8: Shamil Ezizbeyov, between Zulfu Adigozelov and Murtuza Muxtarov
June 2016
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 8 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion continues through the northern area of Sovetski, driving downhill back in the eventual direction of Kubinka. A pop-up bazaar selling building materials taken from demolished homes fills the intersection starting at around 45 seconds. Local markets spill into the street and people stop to shop and socialize.
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