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Taksi səfəri 1, 17ci hissə: Cabbar Qaryağdıoğlu, Balababa Məcidovdan İbrahim Abilov və Cəfər Cabbarlıya tərəf, Nizami Metrosuna qədər

İyun 2016

1080p 360 video | səfər

Taxi Trip 1, part 17: Jabbar Qaryadioglu, from Balababa Mecidov, to Ibrahim Abilov, to Jefer Jabbarli, ending at Nizami Metro

June 2016

1080p 360 video | tour

Part 17 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This final portion goes through the areas north of Sovetski before turning south and returning to the front of the Nizami Metro Station.

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