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Taksi gəzintisi 3
Taxi Trip 3
Taksi gəzintisi 3, 1ci hissə: Nəriman Nərimanov, Süleyman Rəhimovla, Çingiz Mustafayev arasında
Taxi Trip 3, part 1: Neriman Nerimanov, between Suleyman Rehimov and Chingiz Mustafayev
Sentyabr 2016
September 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 1 of a taxi ride through Yasamal in the evening. This portion drives along the apartment complexes separating Yasamal from Sovetski. On the left walls have been built to block off the demolition of Sovetski.
Taksi gəzintisi 3, 2ci hissə: Çingiz Mustafayev, Nəriman Nərimanovdan, Qədirli və Bəşir Səfəroğlu tərəfə
Taxi Trip 3, part 2: Chingiz Mustafayev, from Neriman Nerimonov, to Qedirli, to Beshir Seferoglu
Sentyabr 2016
September 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 2 of a taxi ride through Yasamal in the evening. This portion turns west and drives uphill through a residential area before turning south and driving behind an apartment building. People sit outside and socialize.
Taksi gəzintisi 3, 3cu hissə: Bəşir Səfəroğlu, Qədirli və Abdulla Qarayev arasında
Taxi Trip 3, part 3: Beshir Seferoglu, between Qedirli and Abdulla Qarayev
Sentyabr 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
September 2016
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 3 of a taxi ride through Yasamal in the evening. This portion turns west and goes uphill through Yasamal, passing older residential homes and entering the area where new high rises have started to be built. before turning onto a side street.
Taksi gəzintisi 3, 4cu hissə: Abdulla Qarayev, Bəşir Səfəroğlu və Çingiz Mustafayev arasında
Taxi Trip 3, part 4: Abdulla Qarayev, between Beshir Seferoglu and Chingiz Mustafayev
Sentyabr 2016
September 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 4 of a taxi ride through Yasamal in the evening. This portion turns north down a side street, emerging into a large empty lot in a residential area.
Taksi gəzintisi 3, 5ci hissə: Abdulla Qarayev, Çingiz Mustafayevlə Mirzağa Əliyev arasında
Taxi Trip 3, part 5: Abdulla Qarayev, between Chingiz Mustafayev and Mirzagha Aliyev
Sentyabr 2016
September 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 5 of a taxi ride through Yasamal in the evening. This portion leaves a large empty lot and drives down a narrow residential street. People socialize in the street as the sun begins to set on the horizon.
Taksi gəzintisi 3, 6ci hissə: Mirzağa Əliyev, Abdulla Qarayevlə Qədirli arasında
Taxi Trip 3, part 6: Mirzagha Aliyev, between Abdulla Qarayev and Qedirli
Sentyabr 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
September 2016
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 6 of a taxi ride through Yasamal in the evening. This portion turns west from the apartment complex separating Yasamal from Sovetski and drives uphill past older residential homes. People walk outside and socialize as the sun sets.
Taksi gəzintisi 3, 7ci hissə: Qədirli, Mirzağa Əliyevlə Şahhüseyn Məscidi arasında
Taxi Trip 3, part 7: Qedirli, between Mirzagha Aliyev and Shahhuseyn Mosque
Sentyabr 2016
September 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Past 7 of a taxi ride through Yasamal in the evening. This portion turns north and drives through a large courtyard / parking area before entering a series of winding streets. A mix of old homes, bakeries, and small markets line the streets. The street occasionally widens into small courtyards where kids play. People walk down the narrow streets as the sun sets.
Taksi gəzintisi 3, 8ci hissə: Qədirli, Şahhuseyn Məscidi ilə Salatın Əsgərova arasında
Taxi Trip 3, part 8: Qedirli, between Shahhuseyn Mosque and Salatin Esgerova
Sentyabr 2016
September 2016
1080p 360 video | tour
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 8 of a taxi ride through Yasamal in the evening. This portion continues north through winding streets. A mix of homes and small markets line the streets. The street occasionally widens into small courtyards where men gather to play boardgames. In all directions large apartment high rises can be seen in the distance. People walk down the narrow streets as the sun sets.
Taksi gəzintisi 3, 9cu hissə: Qədirli, Salatın Əsgərovla 10-cu Keçid arasında
Taxi Trip 3, part 9: Qedirli, between Salatin Esgerova and 10th Kechid
Sentyabr 2016
September 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 9 of a taxi ride through Yasamal in the evening. This portion leaves a narrow street, driving into a large courtyard with multiple streets branching off, then going north west towards the upper edge of Yasamal. In the distance new high rise apartments can be seen.
Taksi gəzintisi 3, 10cu hissə: 10-cu Keçid, Qədirli və 11-ci Keçid arasında
Taxi Trip 3, part 10: 10th Kechid, between Qedirli and 11th Kechid
Sentyabr 2016
September 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 10 of a taxi ride through Yasamal in the evening. This portion continues north west, leaving a large courtyard and driving up a narrow street lined with homes and small markets. New high rise apartments are constructed just beyond the older buildings. People walk home from shopping and socialize in the street. A small market spills into the street.
Taksi gəzintisi 3, 11ci hissə: 10-cu Keçid, 11-ci Keçid ilə İnşaatçılar arasında
Taxi Trip 3, part 11: 10th Kechid, between 11th Kechid and Inshaatchilar
Sentyabr 2016
September 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 11 of a taxi ride through Yasamal in the evening. This portion continues north west, passing new high rise apartment buildings and finally emerging from the upper edge of Yasamal past a set of apartment complexes. A major road continues north.
Taksi gəzintisi 3, 12ci hissə: İnşaatçılar, 10-cu Keçid ilə Azərbaycan Dövlət Pedoqoji Kolleci arasında
Taxi Trip 3, part 12: Inshaatchilar, between 10th Kechid and the Azerbaijan State Pedagogic College
Sentyabr 2016
September 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 12 of a taxi ride through Yasamal in the evening. This portion turns onto a major road running along the edge of Yasamal. The streets are lined with large apartment complexes and parks. People walk down wide sidewalks as the sun sets.
Taksi gəzintisi 3, 13cu hissə: İnşaatçılar, Azərbaycan Pedoqoji Kolleci ilə Nəriman Nərimanov arasında
Taxi Trip 3, part 13: Inshaatchilar, between the Azerbaijan State Pedagogic College and Neriman Nerimanov
Sentyabr 2016
September 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 13 of a taxi ride through Yasamal in the evening. This portion continues along a major road running along the edge of Yasamal. The streets are lined with large apartment complexes and parks. After reaching a major intersection, the ride turns back south, towards Sovetski. People walk down large sidewalks as the sun sets.
Taksi gəzintisi 3, 14cu hissə: Nəriman Nərimanov, İnşaatçılar ilə Süleyman Rəhimov arasında
Taxi Trip 3, part 14: Neriman Nerimanov, between Inshaatchilar and Suleyman Rehimov
Sentyabr 2016
September 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 14 of a taxi ride through Yasamal in the evening. This final portion turns south and drives along the western edge of Sovetski. High rises and apartment complexes on either side of the road give way to older homes, mechanics, and small cafes. The western edge of Sovetski has been blocked off from view by a wooden wall, beyond which demolished buildings and dusty plains can be seen.
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