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Taksi gəzintisi 1
Taxi Trip 1
Taksi səfəri 1, 1ci hissə: Şıxəli Qurbanovla Qış Parkının ətrafında Nizami metrosuna doğru
Taxi Trip 1, part 1: Shixeli Qurbanov around Winter Park, towards Nizami metro
İyun 2016
June 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 1 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion of the trip goes along the eastern edge of Sovetski, along the roads separating it from other neighborhoods such as Targova and Kubinka. As the taxi circles around the Winter Park in front of the Azerbaijan State Academic Drama Theater one can see the old road layout from before the Winter Park and Central Park were linked.
Taxsi səfəri 1, 2ci hissə: Şıxəli Qurbanovla Əlibəy Hüseynzadə tərəfə
Taxi Trip 1, part 2: Shixeli Qurbanov to Elibey Huseynzade
İyun 2016
June 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 2 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion of the trip continues along the eastern edge of Sovetski and travels into the edge of Kubinka, on the right starting around 40 seconds.
Taksi səfəri 1, 3cu hissə: Əlibəy Hüseynzadə, Şıxəli Qurbanovla Murtuza Muxtarov arasında
Taxi Trip 1, part 3: Elibey Huseynzade, between Shixeli Qurbanov and Murtuza Muxtarov
İyun 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
June 2016
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 3 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion of the trip leaves the edge of Kubinka, passes the Nizami Metro station on the left starting around 40 seconds, and enters Sovetski proper.
Taksi səfəri 1, 4cu hissə: Murtuza Muxtarov, Əlibəy Hüseynzadə ilə Şamil Əzizbəyovun arasında
Taxi Trip 1, part 4: Murtuza Muxtarov, between Elibey Huseynzade and Shamil Ezizbeyov
İyun 2016
June 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 4 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion of the trip enters the northern area of Sovetski proper, driving through the area behind Nizami Metro station, the Sultanbey Mosque and a street full of local businesses on the left, before entering a residential area.
Taksi səfəri 1, 5ci hissə: Murtuza Muxtarov, Şamil Əzizbəyovla Süleyman Rəhimov arasında
Taxi Trip 1, part 5: Murtuza Muxtarov, between Shamil Ezizbeyov and Suleyman Rehimov
İyun 2016
June 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 5 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion continues through a residential northern area where people work and social outside, before emerging into a large area of Sovetski being demolished to build Central Park.
Taksi səfəri 1, 6ci hissə: Süleyman Rəhimov, Murtuza Muxtarovla Zülfü Adıgözəlov arasında
Taxi Trip 1, part 6: Suleyman Rehimov, between Murtuza Muxtarov and Zulfu Adigozelov
İyun 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
June 2016
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 6 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion goes along the road separating the northern portion of Sovetski and the middle portion being demolished to build Central Park. Within the demolished area a few buildings can still be seen standing.
Taksi səfəri 1, 7ci hissə: Zülfü Adıgözəlov, Süleyman Rəhimovla Şamil Əzizbəyov arasında
Taxi Trip 1, part 7: Zulfu Adigozelov, between Suleyman Rehimov and Shamil Ezizbeyov
İyun 2016
June 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 7 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion drives north from the demolished portion of Sovetski into a residential area. People work and socialize outside and kids play in the street. Grapevines grow in small gardens on the roofs of homes. A cat runs across the street and hides under a car.
Taksi səfəri 1, 8ci hissə: Şamil Əzizbəyov, Zülfü Adıgözəlovla Murtuza Muxtarov arasında
Taxi Trip 1, part 8: Shamil Ezizbeyov, between Zulfu Adigozelov and Murtuza Muxtarov
İyun 2016
June 2016
1080p 360 video | tour
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 8 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion continues through the northern area of Sovetski, driving downhill back in the eventual direction of Kubinka. A pop-up bazaar selling building materials taken from demolished homes fills the intersection starting at around 45 seconds. Local markets spill into the street and people stop to shop and socialize.
Taksi səfəri 1, 9cu hissə: Murtuza Muxtarov, Şamil Əzizbəyovla Mirzağa Əliyev arasında
Taxi Trip 1, part 9: Murtuza Muxtarov, between Shamil Ezizbeyov and Mirzagha Aliyev
İyun 2016
June 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 9 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion returns to the road seen in Part 5 of the same trip, starting at 20 seconds people can be seen cleaning a carpet to the left. The trip then continues south out into the demolished middle portion of Sovetski, passing the Azerbaijan State Academic Drama Theater of the left. Few houses remain in view in this demolished portion, which is now a large dusty plain.
Taksi səfəri 1, 10cu hissə: Mirzağa Əliyev, Murtuza Muxtarovla Zülfü Adıgözəlov arasında
Taxi Trip 1, part 10: Mirzagha Aliyev, between Murtuza Muxtarov and Zulfu Adigozelov
İyun 2016
June 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 10 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion continues west through the demolished middle portion of Sovetski, passing a few remaining buildings and parked demolition equipment. People walk along the remains of old roads.
Taksi səfəri 1, 11ci hissə: Zülfü Adıgözəlov, Mirzağa Əliyevlə Bəşir Səfəroğlu arasında
Taxi Trip 1, part 11: Zulfu Adigozelov, between Mirzagha Aliyev and Beshir Seferoglu
İyun 2016
June 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 11 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion leaves the demolished middle portion of Sovetski and enters the southern portion. Groups of people socialize in the street and under overhanging balconies
Taksi səfəri 1, 12ci hissə: Bəşir Səfəroğlu, Zülfü Adıgözəlov ilə Nabat Aşurbəyova arasında
Taxi Trip 1, part 16: Beshir Seferoglu, between Zulfu Adigozelov and Nabat Ashurbeyova
İyun 2016
June 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 12 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion continues east through the southern portion of Sovetski, passing a mechanic before reaching Teze Pir Mosque on the right.
Taksi səfəri 1, 13cu hissə: Nabat Aşurbəyova, Bəşir Səfəroğlu ilə Mirzağa Əliyev arasında
Taxi Trip 1, part 13: Nabat Ashurbeyova, between Beshir Seferoglu and Mirzagha Aliyev
İyun 2016
June 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 13 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion turns north from Teze Pir Mosque and drives several blocks through the southern portion of Sovetski in various stages of demolition before emerging into the fully demolished middle portion of Sovetski. Workers collect material from partially demolished homes.
Taksi səfəri 1, 14cu hissə: Nabat Aşurbəyova, Mirzağa Əliyevlə Şamil Əzizbəyov arasında
Taxi Trip 1, part 14: Nabat Ashurbeyova, between Mirzagha Aliyev and Shamil Ezizbeyov
İyun 2016
June 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 14 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion continues north across the demolished middle portion of Sovetski, passing a small collection of partially demolished and partially inhabited homes before entering the northern portion of Sovetski.
Taksi səfəri 1, 15ci hissə: Nabat Aşurbəyova, Şamil Əzizbəyovla Balababa Məcidov arasında
Taxi Trip 1, part 15: Nabat Ashurbeyova, between Shamil Ezizbeyov and Balababa Mecidov
İyun 2016
June 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 15 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion continues through Sovetski, passing small markets and a collection of mechanics before reaching the northern edge of Sovetski.
Taksi səfəri 1, 16ci hissə: Balababa Məcidov, Nabat Aşurbəyovla Cabbar Qaryağdıoğlu arasında
Taxi Trip 1, part 16: Balababa Mecidov, between Nabat Ashurbeyova and Jabbar Qaryagdioglu
İyun 2016
June 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 16 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This portion goes east along the northern edge of Sovetski. The road is under construction and large apartment complexes stand on either side of it blocking off Sovetski.
Taksi səfəri 1, 17ci hissə: Cabbar Qaryağdıoğlu, Balababa Məcidovdan İbrahim Abilov və Cəfər Cabbarlıya tərəf, Nizami Metrosuna qədər
Taxi Trip 1, part 17: Jabbar Qaryadioglu, from Balababa Mecidov, to Ibrahim Abilov, to Jefer Jabbarli, ending at Nizami Metro
İyun 2016
June 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 17 of a taxi trip around Sovetski at midday. This final portion goes through the areas north of Sovetski before turning south and returning to the front of the Nizami Metro Station.
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