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Murtuza Muxtarov Novruz
Murtuza Muxtarov Novruz
Murtuza Muxtarov Novruz *
Murtuza Muxtarov Novruz *
Mart 2016
March 2016
1080p 360 video
1080p 360 video
An empty lot on Murtuza Muxtarov at night during Novruz. A large bonfire burns while families socialize and look on. The fire illuminates demolished buildings and dividing walls. The light from a small market spills into the street beyond the crowd.
Murtuza Muxtarov Novruz (PARK)
Murtuza Muxtarov Novruz (PARK)
Sentybr 2021
September 2021
4k 360 video
4k 360 video
Central Park in the early evening. Groups of men have set up tables to play nerd as kids play football around them. Familes walk in and out of the park from Sulyeman Rahimov street which runs in front of the camera's loading position.
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