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Mirzə Fətəli Axundov Evi
Mirze Feteli Axundov house
Mirzə Fətəli Axundov Evi (video 3)
Mirze Feteli Axundov house (video 3)
İyun 2016
1080p 360 video
June 2016
1080p 360 video
The interior of an entry hall in a house on Mirzə Fətəli Axundov in the afternoon. To the right of the camera's loading position the hall leads further into the house. To the right a door leads out onto the street. Above the camera is a decorative ceiling.
Mirzə Fətəli Axundov Evi (video 4)
Mirze Feteli Axundov house (video 4)
İyun 2016
June 2016
1080p 360 video
1080p 360 video
The interior of a kitchen in a house on Mirzə Fətəli Axundov in the afternoon. The table is covered with preserves and glassware lines the shelves of a large cabinet. In front of the camera's loading position a hallway leads back towards the entryway of the home.
Mirzə Fətəli Axundov Evi (video 5)
Mirze Feteli Axundov house (video 5)
Mart 2016
March 2016
1080p 360 video
1080p 360 video
The interior of a guest room in a home on Mirzə Fətəli Axundov. A kid plays on the ground to the left of the camera's loading position. To the right a large stuffed tiger sits in the corner. Above a decorative light illuminates the room.
Mirzə Fətəli Axundov Evi (video 7)
Mirze Feteli Axundov house (video 7)
İyun 2016
June 2016
1080p 360 video
1080p 360 video
The exterior of a home on Mirzə Fətəli Axundov at midday. A man comments on the state of the home as men work to demolish it. Around the home is an expansive empty space with a few similar buildings still standing randomly throughout. The sky is clear on a hot summer day.
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