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Beşir Seferoğlu 115, balkon
Beshir Seferoglu 115, balcony
Beşir Seferoğlu 115, balkon (video 1)
Beshir Seferoglu 115, balcony (video 1)
Sentyabr 2017
September 2017
1080p 360 video
1080p 360 video
The interior of a balcony garden on the roof of a home on Beşir Seferoğlu at midday. Grapevines grow over trellises covering the roof. To the left of the camera's starting position a set of stairs leads down into an 'Italian courtyard'.
Beşir Seferoğlu 115, balkon (video 2)
Beshir Seferoglu 115, balcony (video 2)
Sentyabr 2017
September 2017
1080p 360 video
1080p 360 video
The interior of a balcony garden on the roof of a home on Beşir Seferoğlu at midday. Grapevines grow over trellises covering the roof. A car parks on the street below.
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