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Zülfü Adigözəlov və Çingiz Mustafayev: menzil
Zulfu Adigozelov and Chingiz Mustafayev: apartment building
İyul 2016
July 2016
1080p 360 video
1080p 360 video
The view from the corner of an apartment building at the intersection of Zülfü Adigözəlov and Çingiz Mustafayev in the evening. The surrounding buildings have already been demolished leaving a dusty plain. Demolition equipment dig in the distance as people walk along the remains of Zülfü Adigözəlov at sunset.
Zülfü Adigözəlov və Çingiz Mustafayev: menzil (PARK)
Zulfu Adigozelov və Chingiz Mustafayev: apartment block (PARK)
Sentybr 2021
September 2021
4k 360 video
4k 360 video
Central Park, close to where it meets with Yasamal. familes walk down winding sidewalks in the early evening. Behind the camera's loading position an historical well similar to the one that used to stand on the corner of Suleyman Rahimov and Abdulla Shaig streets has been placed in the park.
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